Couples Counseling

Nobody enters a relationship believing that they will have troubles. It feels as if the love that kindle the partnership should be more than enough to overcome any differences. The reality is, sustaining a life-giving, fulfilling relationship can be difficult and requires ongoing effort and, sometimes, some outside perspective and help.
Sometimes all the stressors of life can pull those in relationship in opposite directions when they used to feel they were walking a unified path. Other times, one person realizes that they are looking for something more from the relationship, or a return to some of the ways things used to be. Partners can be strong, and want to learn how to strengthen that bond even more. Couples can struggle with their sex life, and hope to find ways to feel more free.
Couples therapy offers a safe and supportive environment to discuss all those areas of pain that feel that they are too difficult, or sensitive, to tackle alone. Your couples therapist will listen to what each of you is experiencing, and attempt to provide practical tools and techniques to help inspire you to improve communication and connection with the people you love most.